July 2024 Update

Hello everyone! We hope you've been enjoying your summer so far. We've been hard at work, so let's get straight into the BRFYH updates for the month. 

Midnight's Route: 

  • We've already let you guys know that the script is completely written for Midnight's route. I've coded up until the second major POI switch and sent the files over to our lovely programmer, Yoru, to make things look and feel better for the players. 

Striker's Route: 

  • I've ben hard at work writing Striker's route. We have only one ending left. You may be wondering why Rex is up there on the update graphic. Well, he has a pretty prominent role in Striker's route so... ;) 
  • I'll hopefully be finishing up the first draft of Striker's route soon and sending it over to an editor to check. 

TwinTails Route: 

  • Huzzah! I found my old files for TwinTails' original route before the game's big script overhaul. I do remember it being nearly done, so once Striker's route is complete I will take a stab at our magical girl's story next! 

Additional Routes: 

  • For the time being, unless interest otherwise dictates, we've put an indefinite pause on the additional routes we originally planned for the game. This is due to motivation, time, and resources. We apologize, but if we spend too much time on this- it will never get finished. 

In the meantime, we're working hard on other games as well. Why not check out our O2A2 entry that was released last night? It's got a sweet little teaser for our upcoming project...

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