A downloadable kinetic novel for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

Imre's Curse: The Prologue is a short kinetic novel about power, integrity, responsibility and love. It was made in a month for NaNoRenO 2018. 

Genre:  Fantasy, Romance, Drama, Suspense


There once was a time when gods and humans lived together as one. That peace was shattered long long ago. Now the gods and goddesses find themselves inhabiting the planet of Sanctum, while the humans are scattered across various planets.The two, never coming into contact with each other.  On Sanctum, the young gods and goddesses are tasked with helping their society function by being placed in a mundane job fit to their talents. Bored of this century old monotony, Imre wants nothing more than to be a caretaker of one of the worlds orbiting around Sanctum. Surely, humans are not as bad as her father, King of all gods, would have her think. Right? 

Follow Imre through a tale of self discovery, friendship, love, political intrigue and much more. 


  • Strong female protagonist
  • About 25k words
  • 2 hours of gameplay
  • Original sprite art
  • Nameable world
  • Partial voice acting
  • Functional asset gallery
  • Music Room complete with soothing tracks from the game
  • Chapter Select
  • Interchanging start screen
  • 5 CGs


  • Imre: The protagonist. She is the daughter of the god in charge of Sanctum. She's reckless, putting her heart above her mind in almost all cases. This can sometimes be a problem for the people of Sanctum, but you'll never find someone who loves as hard as she does.
  • Einar:  Einar is Imre's childhood best friend. They are two peas in a pod, finishing each other's sentences (and each other's food!). Together, they're tasked with caring for a world. Him being the rational, calm and collected of the two and her being the bold and the brave. To both of them, this sounds like a sweet deal. But, is it really?
  • Aenaris: Aenaris is a young princess of a neighboring town, arranged to marry Prince Deren. But with Imre involved, things may not go as planned. 
  • Deren:  Deren is a young human prince trying to find his place in his world. When he comes across Imre, his world turns upside down.


  • LegendEx [Project Lead,Writer]
  • DahliaWilder [Sprite Artist, Logo Artist, additional graphics]
  • Bosinpai [Programmer, additional graphics]
  • DanSylverstere [Programmer]
  • LucentCatty [Script Editor]
  • Kazurenai [CG Artist] 
  • Corinne Sudberg [Imre's Voice]
  • Allen Winter [Deren's Voice]
  • Walter Mack [Einar's Voice]
  • Ashe Thurman [Aenaris' Voice]
  • CaramelMoonMan [Celesteus' Voice]
  • Erin Evans Walker [Deren's Mother's Voice]

[Gui and textbox were made by potouto and modified by DahliaWilder and Bosinpai. We used CC BGs and music as well. See below.]

***For full credits please check the README in the zip file!***


imrescurse-prologue-1.0-pc.zip 129 MB
imrescurse-prologue-1.0-mac.zip 113 MB
ImresCursePrologue.apk 119 MB

Install instructions

Download the zip and extract it :)

Development log


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I loved the game, the dubbing, the characters, the images with Deren, I loved everything!!!

Do they still plan to continue with this story?


Hello! We plan on revisiting this story once the full version of our current project Battle Royale: For Your Heart! is out! 

Does this game have villains or villainous?


There isn't a specific villain in this story! There are some opposing forces that lead to a conflict, but no one is intentionally evil here.

I really adored the game, and I thought the writing was especially a strong point, in addition to the rest of the project being so beautiful! I'll definitely have to be on the lookout for future games in this storyline, since I understand this was just the start!


Thank you so much for the compliment and for playing our game! We're definitely working on continuing the story ;)

Imre can't die, damnit!  Please do a sequel!


Thank you for playing and leaving us a comment! We are happy to announce that after our current game (Battle Royale: For Your Heart!) we will be looking into creating a sequel to Imre's Curse! 

The art was so pretty and I actually related to Imre a lot. I like her character very much and the plot was really nice too.


Thank you so much! We really appreciate it!

I like it. Will there be a sequel?


Thank you for the comment! Once my current game Battle Royale: For Your Heart! is complete the team hopes to work on the next installment of this lore :)

Now I'm excited!

Deleted post

Never experienced a game like this before, and am excited to give it a try! Thank you for exposing me to a new genre of gaming!

I finally got to it!! I only did the first chapter, but I'll finish it on my own time and move on to Secrets Untold >_<


Very nicely done! I loved the subtle voice acting touches, the art, the story, everything!


Thank you so much for the lovely comment! 


Very interesting and original story, that's for sure. Good job!

Thank you so much! 

Reminding myself to play this when I get a chance!


Great quality game overall, between graphics and sounds, honestly did such an amazing job I was astonished by the game play. Very well made, can't wait to play more from the author. :)


So proud to have been a part of this project!!! <3